Monday, July 3, 2017


I have become increasingly irritated by the leash that repeatedly gets tangled in branches and debris as I hike with my dog.  Then I got to thinking about it and saw how this happens in relationships as well.  There can be such a beautiful flow if you are both free to go about life in your own way and then come back together.  No fuss, no tangles.  It is when you tether, or try to tether another person or thing to you that the trouble begins.  Unfortunately for now with my dog and I there is leash law and the matter of a strong recall (he just turned 2 years old and still learning) that we will be tethered together for a while longer.  Sigh!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Exiting Florida

I'm not sure how to share my feelings so I won't even try. What I will do here is write about my experiences.

The photo above is my beloved horse, Blythe. A horse of pure love, honesty, sweetness, and so much more. My beautiful girl was born June 24, 1987. She was nearly 30 years old (and nearly 28 years together) when I lost her on April 8, 2017. One week before I was heading to Michigan for the summer.

I was actually making plans to stay home a bit longer because I wasn't feeling comfortable leaving her as I watched her glorious body move into another stage of aging. Blythe had her own plans and they included me. I was able to be with her as she took her last breaths in this life.

Blythe gave me and herself a beautiful gift on April 8! The gift of freedom! Freedom from pain, freedom from worry, and again, so much more. I let the grief roll through me when it comes, I let the joy roll through me as well. So bittersweet! I miss her every day as I'm building a new life without her

Thank you Blythe for choosing me to spend your life with! 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The ancient glow high in the tree tops signaling daybreak and days end moves the primitive part of me that's forever committed to Mother Earth.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fascinating! I've created my own space here where I can speak my heart and mind. For now, here are some photos of the big beautiful lake.

Big happy sigh!